Point of view Voices from our industry

The total boycott of plastic risks bringing the entire economy to its knees

At present, MICROingranaggi uses a lot of plastic for its packaging, like most of the other large manufacturing companies do. We are looking for a valid alternative, primarily for ecological reasons, but it seems that there is no biodegradable and easily disposable material available to replace it. Or rather, it is not yet been launched on the market.

This inevitably takes me back to a topic which many authorities are currently discussing: plastic tax.

the discussions on plastic tax in recent months bring back memories of similar discussions held some time ago on electric vehicles:

Consumers are obliged to change cars, criminalizing those running on diesel when, in actual fact, if everybody purchased an electric vehicle, the energy produced by renewable sources would not be sufficient. So the government should first focus on building infrastructures and plant systems to produce and distribute electric energy and, only then, should it decide to introduce taxes on emissions. If they do this beforehand, this logic loses all rhyme and reason.

But let’s go back to the Plastic Tax. The problem is not the plastic in itself, quite the contrary! Whilst we are not against the neoplastic concept, we do have to admit that, thanks to the range of different plastic materials we are able to reach exceptionally high results in a wide variety of different sectors. Results which, in some cases, could only be achieved using materials with even worse environmental impacts, even though on the surface, they would be less evident than those caused by plastic.

So, as I commented in my post on diesel vehicles,

the total and indiscriminate boycott of plastic risks bringing the entire economy to its knees.

it would be more sensible to focus more on the poor management of such waste.

And, as we are all well aware, we already pay a specific tax for waste disposal services.
And so? So, once again, we are faced with the government applying a tax without establishing a precise alternative plan that can allow enterprises to organize their systems accordingly. And it does so by facing a very current topic focused on saving the planet.

In my opinion, the government should have started by involving all Italian manufacturing enterprises, boosting their awareness as regards specific goals and objectives as far as ecological aspects are concerned, providing them with specific deadlines. These deadlines, defined with the support of sector-based associations ahead of such decisions, which – as such – are able to gauge the timing needed to introduce physiological changes to manufacturing enterprises including all the adaptations required to achieve the same. And then, only then the government should have introduced a Plastic Tax.

the only result of a plastic tax applied in this manner, is to make people think that the government’s main interest was to fill its pockets.

By Stefano Garavaglia

È il CEO di MICROingranaggi, nonché l'anima dell'azienda.
Per Stefano un imprenditore deve avere le tre C: Cuore, Cervello, Costanza.
Cuore inteso come passione per quello che fa, istinto e rispetto per il prossimo. Cervello inteso come visione, come capacità a non farsi influenzare da situazioni negative. Costanza perché un imprenditore non deve mai mollare.

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